Author: acheese

  • How To Get More Trades As A P2P Merchant

    How To Get More Trades As A P2P Merchant

    When operating as a peer-to-peer (P2P) merchant it is important to make an Ad listing stand out to get more trades. A merchant who uses all tools available to them to trade higher volumes will make greater profits. Here are some essential tips to help P2P merchants get more trades from their Ads. Use Instant…

  • Merchant FAQ

    Merchant FAQ

    How does OpenPeer’s escrow work?  Once a trade is started instead of the crypto being custodied by a centralised exchange the crypto is escrowed in a smart-contract deployed by the seller. In order to deploy an escrow contract, a seller interacts with the OpenPeer Protocol in a few simple clicks on the website. The OpenPeer…

  • How To Set Up An Airdrop Farming Wallet With OpenPeer

    How To Set Up An Airdrop Farming Wallet With OpenPeer

    What is Airdrop Farming? Airdrops have historically been one of the best ways to profit in crypto with little upfront capital required. When crypto projects want to decentralise ownership and reward early users, they commonly airdrop a portion of their tokens to users who meet certain criteria. Common criteria includes bridging to the protocol’s chain,…